Lactose Intolerance

You know how when you drink a glass of milk, there's always that little bit left in the bottom of the glass that you rinse out? I wonder how much milk is wasted each year because of that. This upsets me.
Say that every time I have a glass of milk I leave one mL in the bottom. Two glasses a day for a week would mean 14 mL, and over a year I would have wasted 730.484398 mL. That means that the average human would waste over 58.4 liters of milk in their lifetime, or 15.4 gallons!
If everyone in the U.S.A saved their milk bits, we could conserve 56.5 billion gallons a year.
Since the average cow produces 8 gallons a day, every day 19,352 cows could take the day off.
Instead of rinsing the milk bits out, I think that there should be a milk-drive that collects leftover milk and sends it to poor kids in Mongolia.
Just something I was thinking about today during my morning croissant.
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