Gas Station Catastrophes
After getting into my car tonight I looked at the meter and freaked out when I saw that I was running on an empty tank. So I went down to the gas station to fill it up.
While the gas was pouring into Petey's (my car's) thirsty engine, I decided to wash my windows, seeing as how Petey is supposed to get his picture taken tomorrow for the Best Car category in the yearbook and the windows, instead of looking admirably sparkily, appeared as if a giant had sneezed all over the front of it.
As I finished washing the windows, I turned to see the person behind me, a young guy of about 18/19, who was distressed about something. He said something. I'm not exactly sure what it was, now that I think of it, but it was soemthing that involved me sitting in his car and starting it while he banged on the [insert random car part here]. The first thing that jumped into my mind was "Hell no, you're going to kidnap me and rape me, you disgusting freak." Then, after taking a moment to evaluate the situtation, I revised that thought to be "Heck no, you're going to kidnap me and rape me, you disgusting freak." Just because I'm about to be abducted is no excuse to start swearing.
So I said "UhNopeImLateForSomethingImportantGottaGoBye" and jumped into Petey, who carried me away from the scene and from my new rapist friend.
Plus, my favorite sandal broke. Making it a very disturbing night for me.